Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cursors in Teradata - simple example

/* Program to Revise the employees salaries and return count  based on range for a particular department */

Create procedure emp_sal(IN deptno INTEGER,OUT vrow INTEGER)


 Declare v_cur CURSOR FOR select empno,salary from emp where deptno=:deptno;
 DEclare v_empno INTEGER;
 Declare v_sal INTEGER;

 Declare V_count INTEGER default 0;
 Declare V_rowcount INTEGER;
 Declare V_pcount INTEGER;

 OPEN v_cur;  

  set v_rowcount=ACTIVITY_COUNT;
  set v_pcount=v_rowcount;

   FETCH v_CUR into v_empno,v_sal;

   set v_count =v_count+1;

   if(v_sal<30000) then
    set Rev_sal=v_sal+v_sal*10/100;
      if(v_sal<50000) then
    set Rev_sal=v_sal+v_sal*8/100;
       set Rev_sal=v_sal+v_sal*5/100;    

   end if;

  // to insert into other table

    select current_date;  
    INSERT rev_emp_sal(v_empno,v_sal,rev_sal,:current_date);

  // update the  employee table

    Update emp set sal=rev_sal where empno=v_empno;

    unit v_pcount=0;

    set vrow=v_count;  

    close cur1;

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