Thursday, November 1, 2012

Teradata interview questions

How to extract numbers from strings in Teradata Sql?

how can we analyze the locks ?

If the script is aborted. why it is aborted and how can you identify ?

how do you handle ET and UV errors ?

If the query is NOT WRITTEN PROPERLY then what are the recommendations you can give to the developer ?

If RDBMS is halted what will you do ?

we have the num like this +91666666666......i want to remove 91 and i want lo load remaining data to the target table..

whinch function we can use in teradata?

what is meant by Hot amp?

What is meant by MATCHTAG in multiload utility?

Cursors in Teradata - simple example

/* Program to Revise the employees salaries and return count  based on range for a particular department */

Create procedure emp_sal(IN deptno INTEGER,OUT vrow INTEGER)


 Declare v_cur CURSOR FOR select empno,salary from emp where deptno=:deptno;
 DEclare v_empno INTEGER;
 Declare v_sal INTEGER;

 Declare V_count INTEGER default 0;
 Declare V_rowcount INTEGER;
 Declare V_pcount INTEGER;

 OPEN v_cur;  

  set v_rowcount=ACTIVITY_COUNT;
  set v_pcount=v_rowcount;

   FETCH v_CUR into v_empno,v_sal;

   set v_count =v_count+1;

   if(v_sal<30000) then
    set Rev_sal=v_sal+v_sal*10/100;
      if(v_sal<50000) then
    set Rev_sal=v_sal+v_sal*8/100;
       set Rev_sal=v_sal+v_sal*5/100;    

   end if;

  // to insert into other table

    select current_date;  
    INSERT rev_emp_sal(v_empno,v_sal,rev_sal,:current_date);

  // update the  employee table

    Update emp set sal=rev_sal where empno=v_empno;

    unit v_pcount=0;

    set vrow=v_count;  

    close cur1;